2 Pounda (lbs) of KDF 85 Process Media
• KDF 85 process media can remove up to 99% of water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium, and other dissolved metals.
• KDF 85 media controls the buildup of bacteria, algae, fungi and scale, making it ideal for use in GAC beds, ion exchange resins, carbon block filters and inline carbon filters.
• KDF 85 process media is made of high purity copper-zinc granules that reduce contaminants in water using oxidation/reduction (redox) reaction. The KDF-85 unique, innovative and environmentally responsible media consist of high purity copper-zinc granules that use redox (the exchange of electrons) in patented products to effectively reduce/remove iron, hydrogen sulfide and control microorganisms in potable water without the use of chemicals. KDF85 is highly efficient and tank size requirements are modest for more economical system engineering and installation.More information go to KDfft com
2 Pounds (lbs) of KDF 55 Process Media
• High-purity copper-zinc redox media consistently remove 99% of free chlorine by electrochemically reducing dissolved chlorine gas to water-soluble chloride ions.
• KDF process medium are being used to complement or replace activated carbon filters, removing up to 95% of the chlorine when treating municipal water. KDF media pretreatment of granular activated carbon also extends the carbon’s life and limits bacteria growth in the bed.
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